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About Us

Homewell Insurance Services provides insurance solutions to its customers. We provide businesses with a value proposition – tangible services – that other brokers do not match. Additionally, Homewell utilizes a professional approach in managing the Company’s core business operations. This unique combination of service capabilities and business excellence gives Homewell’s clients real value when compared to what competing insurance brokers can offer. Through continuous improvement and innovation, the Company is able to develop superior risk and benefit programs for clients who are leaders in their field. In the areas of risk management, insurance and employee benefits, Homewell provides programs and methodologies that are proven to lower premium costs and increase value to our customers.

We are committed to providing superior service, and we are always “Keeping Our Customers Interests First.”

Message from the CEO

First of all, I want to say “Thank You” for the customers that have chosen Homewell Insurance Services as their premier insurance broker and consultant. For those of you that have not made that decision yet, I can assure you that our company will exceed all your expectations. I understand that you have many choices out there, and partnering with the right insurance broker is critical to your success.

We have all been affected by the recession that has occurred over the past several years, and we look back at the decisions we have made and the opportunities that were before us. The days of the soft market pricing have faded away, and we are now seeing effects of a hardening market across all lines of insurance.

While rising insurance costs have arrived, the good news is that together we can prepare your organization before the increased premiums affect your bottom line. Now is the time to put your risk management plan into overdrive and fine-tune your safety program and claims management processes.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any of your concerns or questions. My staff is committed to service excellence and making certain that our client’s interest is first and forefront before ours. I look forward to speaking you in the near future.

Sincerely Yours,

Mark Mahfoud, CEO

Core Values


  • Always keep our clients best interest in the forefront.
  • We will always deliver on our “value proposition”, results consistent with expectations.
  • We will always be accountable to our clients – “We do what we say.”
  • We will never do anything that will cause us to lose our client’s trust.

Client Focus

  • We will always strive to be trusted advisors rather than vendors.
  • We will meet our commitments to you.
  • We will never forget that we are in the “service” business.


  • Our colleagues will always be the best available; experienced, knowledgeable individuals bringing our clients the products and services our clients expect.
  • We continue to invest in training and development that enable our people to achieve their full potential and meet your needs.

Client Focus

  • We will always seek to work as a team with our clients, utilizing the best and the brightest resources to provide solutions for our clients.
  • We value collaboration, both internally and externally.