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Directors and Officers

In today’s uncertain business environment, the Directors and Officers of a company face an increasing risk of personal liability for any actual or alleged breach of duty, neglect, error, misstatement, misleading statement, act or omission in the performance of their duties.

Today, your company must be diligent in its risk management efforts by implementing tight internal controls, procedures and disclosure policies in order to minimize risk. In addition, a Directors’ and Officers’ (D&O) Liability policy is an essential component of providing complete coverage for the exposures, needs, and concerns of your organization.

D&O coverage is specialized and complex, with various coverage options, terms and conditions that can vary widely from one policy and insurer to another, such as:

  • Does the policy have severability of the application and exclusion?
  • Does it provide “direct” entity coverage?
  • Are employment practices violations covered?
  • Does the company have a pension plan for its employees?

Please contact Homewell Insurance Services when your policy renews.

We can save you money and make certain you have the right coverage!

